Summertime Skin Tip with Royal Canadian Mineral Water Spray #ProductReview

Royal Canadian Mineral Water Spray – Gentle Mist to Hydrate Your Face

Summer can be brutal on your skin. The sun and the heat can take a toll on your face, if you are not careful. Here in North Carolina, the humidity compounds the effects of the heat often causing the coolest of morning face routines to melt away the minute I walk outside. 

Between washing, a toner, a moisturizer, and sunscreen – all before any make up is put on – my face feels smothered and my pores suffocating under all of the oils. I find myself settling for the sunscreen as an adequate moisturizer know full-well that it causes more breakouts, but who wants wrinkles?

Summertime Skin Tip: Don't jeopardize your skin regime by skipping steps. Your face needs the protection of a moisturizer and sunscreen. Consider trying a lighter weight moisturizing option.

Royal Canadian Mineral Water Spray is an interesting product I was recently introduced to. It is a gentle mist of mineral water designed to help hydrate your face, cool your skin, and even soothe a sunburn. The concept behind mineral water is not new. In fact, it is a natural alternative to the heavy (sometime chemical-laden) face moisturizers. 

The light weight of Royal Canadian Mineral Water Spray leaves your skin feeling refreshed and moisturized using a short list of naturally sourced minerals that are gentle enough for the most sensitive skin.

This product is a must-have for the summer heat! 

What is your best summertime skin tip?

Until Next Time,


This post is sponsored by harrydavies1. All opinions are 100% mine.


  1. The concept behind mineral water is not new. In fact, it is a natural alternative to the heavy (sometime chemical-laden) face moisturizers.
    Royal Canadian mineral water spray


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