Fortune Girls - Building Girls' Self Esteem

As a mom of a young lady, I know the day will come when my sweet princess is overcome with all things teenage! I hope that along the journey with my daughter that I can foster a healthy relationship that encourages her self-esteem while guiding her to making smart decisions. While I have a few years before I will have a teenager, I do support any mission out there that helps to build up health esteem in young tween and teenage girls. 

When I was first introduced to the Fortune Girls, their mission stood out to me as a solid message for young girls everywhere.Their campaign is to empower tween to believe in themselves and encourage them to pursue their goals. In my opinion, there is no better mission for the young women in our world. I love what Fortune Girls is doing for girls and their self-esteem.

Who are the Fortune Girls?

Created by a smart and creative tween, Madison Ruiz, and her mom, Barbara, Fortune Girls is a movement to encourage, empower, and support young women in their development to pursuing their dreams. With a posse of characters, a virtual world, television series, publishing, dolls, toys, music, video games, and so much more, Fortune Girls is establishing itself as a multi-cultural, multi-media brand that highlights strong traits in the young women of our society. Fortune Girls is focused on bringing together tweens and teens to dream big for their futures. 

Read more about their mission & accomplishments

Learn more about Fortune Girls
Always Say You're Sorry 

Join their Mission by supporting their Kickstarter campaign. Like them on Facebook. Follow them on Twitter @FortuneGirls.

Until Next Time,


  1. Nations with self-esteem only progress and earn a good name in community of nations. No self esteem means any will to live a respectful life


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