Super Silky Super Soft Sleeping Mask #ProductReview

Super Silky Super Soft Sleeping Mask

As moms, we are tired…all the time. If there is anything I can do to get some rest or sleep better at night, I am open to suggestions. I find that naps during the day are not natural for me because there is about a THOUSAND other things I should be doing. Plus, my body sees daylight and there is basically no way I am catching a few ZZZs even if I wanted to.

In my quest to find more sleep, I decided getting better sleep was my answer. Enter the Super Silky Super Soft Sleeping Mask from 40 Winks. This light weight sleep mask is exactly what I need to encourage my body to slow down and rest even on the brightest of North Carolina days. The mask blocks out all the light so my body can relax and fall into a gently sleep. 

This mask also comes with ear plugs and a carry case. The earplugs are great if you have a noisy home. And the carrying case makes travel easy for those nights on the road.

Do you use a sleeping mask to help you sleep better at night?

Until Next Time,


This post is sponsored by gange10. All opinions are 100% mine.


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